Museo Sorolla – Malababa – Beauty party at « Le petit Salon » – Pretty ballerinas – Parque de Retiro
I’m wearing a Sandro Coat, Asos pants and jumper, and Pretty Ballerinas flats.
Museo Sorolla – Malababa – Beauty party at « Le petit Salon » – Pretty ballerinas – Parque de Retiro
I’m wearing a Sandro Coat, Asos pants and jumper, and Pretty Ballerinas flats.
Cameron le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:25 . .
Magnifique comme toujours madame ! Love the really old-school telephone and the YSL nail polish as well as the scattered letters.
In the 12ème photo, whose feet are whose ?
Melle Dubndidu le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:28 . .
Les photos sont splendides
et ces ballerines <3 <3
Closet Fashionista le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:28 . .
It looks amazing!!! Such great photos!!!! Makes me want to go :D
Jennifer -Stylish Clin d'Oeil le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:30 . .
Le ciel est d’un bleu^^… une destination de rêve!!
yentl le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:33 . .
wow, beautiful pictures! I love how you capture the atmosphere so well. I adoreeeee your outfit. LOVELY!
LuLu le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:34 . .
Beautiful pics! You’re gorgeous! =)
Katie J le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:39 . .
Beautiful photos! Oh Spain! I miss it so! x
Susie le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:48 . .
Wow! These photos are so magical! I absolutely love the telephone–I want it for my apartment!
Sophia le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:51 . .
magnifique!!! such beautiful photos!!! <3
Coralie le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:52 . .
Tes photos sont à couper le souffle ! Deviens photographe à mi-temps :)
Marco le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:52 . .
Oh god.. this shoots are amazing!
Anaivilo le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:54 . .
Beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing. That telephone is fabulous!!
Rosa&Carlotta le novembre 7, 2010 a 3:56 . .
Amazingly beautiful pictures! I love the atmosphere!!
We made a post about you on our blog btw :)
check out our fashion illustrations at http://www.illustrated-moodboard.com/ :)
christinachan le novembre 7, 2010 a 4:05 . .
Lovely photos! xxx
annika le novembre 7, 2010 a 4:09 . .
gorgeous photos. especially the third one :)
devorelebeaumonstre. le novembre 7, 2010 a 4:10 . .
these photos are all gorgeous! xx
Tasja le novembre 7, 2010 a 4:17 . .
I looveeeeee all those pictures!!
they are magnificent!
Gosh you are such a great photographer!
You really can capture the mood in a picture
Love it love it <3
Raspberry Jam le novembre 7, 2010 a 4:22 . .
Sebastian Kubatz Photography le novembre 7, 2010 a 4:25 . .
really like your photo retouch style
how do you do that? mind sharing a preset or something?
Mierr le novembre 7, 2010 a 7:00 . .
Yes please!! I am interested in what filters and effects you have used on your images. They are beautiful!
hannah le novembre 7, 2010 a 4:26 . .
<3 lovely as usual!
Elo le novembre 7, 2010 a 4:31 . .
C’est très beau! : )
Olivia le novembre 12, 2010 a 5:04 . .
Oui! j’aime les photos!
sophia le novembre 7, 2010 a 4:34 . .
love this photo diary!
Piter le novembre 7, 2010 a 4:34 . .
We want you come back soon! :)
rosaspina vintage le novembre 7, 2010 a 4:52 . .
Oh dear, that telephone is a dream!!! Such a great model.
FASHION SNAG le novembre 7, 2010 a 5:04 . .
Love your ballet flats!
the anonymous blonde trickster le novembre 7, 2010 a 5:18 . .
Super cute as always Alix! You are definitely one tricky brunette!
Kalatho le novembre 7, 2010 a 5:40 . .
Nice try!!
PARIS IN PINK le novembre 7, 2010 a 6:07 . .
Absolutely adore these photos. Looks like you had a lovely time in Madrid. Quelle inspiration! :) Paris in Pink
kate le novembre 7, 2010 a 6:25 . .
This post just makes me want to go to Madrid. Ahhh I love travel. :)
Jennifer le novembre 7, 2010 a 6:51 . .
I really wish I could go on holiday! Your photos are the next best thing, the atmosphere has been captured beautifully.
Mierr le novembre 7, 2010 a 7:01 . .
Yes please let us know about the filters/effects you have used on your photos. They are so beautiful!
Hannah (Oh, Aesthetics!) le novembre 7, 2010 a 7:23 . .
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. I love photo-diaries ♥
Andrea T le novembre 7, 2010 a 7:39 . .
I got In Style magazine today and was flippin through it, and there you were in an add! I was like whoa, I follow that girl’s blog! I thought it was pretty neat…
Brigadeiro le novembre 7, 2010 a 8:01 . .
Such GORGEOUS pictures! I must return to Madrid, I haven’t been in over 10 years!
Francesca le novembre 7, 2010 a 8:12 . .
gorgeous jacket!!
Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!
Alice No le novembre 7, 2010 a 8:39 . .
Great pictures.
Love your camel outfit.
Kaye le novembre 7, 2010 a 8:46 . .
GORGEOUS photos as always!! I love the vintage feel pieces here and there.
Mani le novembre 7, 2010 a 10:19 . .
Your photos are always so lovely! And you look gorgeous by the way :)
Millie le novembre 7, 2010 a 10:53 . .
Trop jolies photos…surtout la première qui donne envie d’un aussi joli ciel bleu ! Et ces petites ballerines sont adorables…
Luisa le novembre 7, 2010 a 10:59 . .
Beautiful, gorgeous, cute, perfection.. You are the best!
Les Soeurettes Dalyne le novembre 7, 2010 a 11:28 . .
Magnifiques petites ballerines… et toujours aussi joli duffle coat!
Les Soeurettes Dalyne
min le novembre 8, 2010 a 12:35 . .
Trop chou les petites bougies mariés!
Olivia (Ã Paris) le novembre 8, 2010 a 12:46 . .
Que je rêve d’y aller….Merci!
Chelle le novembre 8, 2010 a 12:54 . .
Gorgeous pictures, wow! Looks like you’re having an amazing time. Love the matching leopard flats!
Xo Chelle
Renée le novembre 8, 2010 a 12:57 . .
Beautiful pictures.
kate le novembre 8, 2010 a 1:13 . .
oh lala ! les ballerines léopards , trop jolie!
et coup de coeur pour le téléphon de la 5 eme photo!!
classiq le novembre 8, 2010 a 1:16 . .
Great photos! I love the neutral tones outfit!
Kat le novembre 8, 2010 a 1:45 . .
I love all the photos! Also, the shoes in the 3rd photo look amazing!
L'Avignonienne le novembre 8, 2010 a 2:13 . .
Que de jolies couleurs ! J’adore les bow-windows façon madrilène, et ton pantalon aussi !
A Girl, A Style le novembre 8, 2010 a 2:53 . .
Alix, such beautiful pictures – I always love your travel photographs. And thos pink pants with the leopard flats look just perfect (I’m still loving the Sandro coat too) – do you mind me asking what style the Asos pants are?
Miss B xx
emmakisstina le novembre 8, 2010 a 2:53 . .
You seriously take the most gorgeous photos! I really would love to visit Spain in the nearest future…it looks gorgeous. Thanks for being such an inspiration! xoxo
Lost in a moment - Benedicte le novembre 8, 2010 a 2:56 . .
Beautiful pictures :}
Marloes le novembre 8, 2010 a 3:07 . .
your photography is just brilliant!
Elza Sokolovski le novembre 8, 2010 a 3:11 . .
Magnifiques photos !
Ta tenue est également superbe !
brunetteblogging.com le novembre 8, 2010 a 3:19 . .
Beautiful, I love the vibe of these pictures :) so romantic
vonny le novembre 8, 2010 a 3:25 . .
i like your coat so much :D
Roses R Red le novembre 8, 2010 a 3:26 . .
Such beautiful photos Alix! And your coat is just lovely.
Natasha le novembre 8, 2010 a 3:34 . .
Great photos! I love your shoes and pants xxx
melissa le novembre 8, 2010 a 4:08 . .
Great sequence of pics! I would like to go to Madrid right now! <3
l'habitué le novembre 8, 2010 a 4:45 . .
Pretty ballerinas they are!
Great post!
Fleur-de-Lis le novembre 8, 2010 a 5:05 . .
love you photos more and more* The details are superb!
Agitarsi le novembre 8, 2010 a 5:37 . .
Pinupapple le novembre 8, 2010 a 5:38 . .
C’est magnifique ! Et ces petites ballerines léopard sont vraiment trop mignonnes :)
Ragnhild Gya le novembre 8, 2010 a 5:40 . .
Nydelige bilder!
Pearl Westwood le novembre 8, 2010 a 5:48 . .
I just bought some leopard print boots, I just love it, looks great with camel shaded too x
vicky361 le novembre 8, 2010 a 5:52 . .
Ces photos sont juste sublimes !
vanessa le novembre 8, 2010 a 5:53 . .
Les photos sont tres jolie!!!!
d. le novembre 8, 2010 a 6:33 . .
love this photos.
Litle Miss curious le novembre 8, 2010 a 6:54 . .
Wow. Stunning photos…really. ♥
Arstcrylique le novembre 8, 2010 a 7:00 . .
I looove these images!
You seem to have a taste very similar to mine. :)
Sara Ottavia
for Arstcrylique
Shamini le novembre 8, 2010 a 7:06 . .
ouah! le téléphone… les ballerines léopard!
très jolies photos!
Laura le novembre 8, 2010 a 7:36 . .
Thanks for taking everybody to Madrid with you!
Michelle le novembre 8, 2010 a 8:04 . .
I love YSL nail lacquers <3
peggy_cherry le novembre 8, 2010 a 8:16 . .
très sympa ce reportage en Espagne, j’adore le téléphone rétro très chic
joey ana le novembre 8, 2010 a 8:19 . .
Amazing photos!
Cynthia le novembre 8, 2010 a 8:23 . .
Les ballerines sont vraiment belles sans parler de ton manteau!!
nancie le novembre 8, 2010 a 8:35 . .
these pics are such a breath of fresh air!! http://www.fashionablenotebook.blogspot.com
Sox L. Cillian le novembre 8, 2010 a 8:36 . .
lovely pics!
Olya Nikol le novembre 8, 2010 a 9:03 . .
Tremendous photos! Love it. ~
Lady Madrid le novembre 8, 2010 a 9:13 . .
Love my city!!
Thank you for the wonderfull photos ;)
sarahjrjr le novembre 8, 2010 a 9:19 . .
i think it’s the white and the wood and the leather of the second photo that gets me.
CessOviedo le novembre 8, 2010 a 9:46 . .
Loved the picture of the bride and groom skeletons! so cute! XD
By eclat de mode le novembre 8, 2010 a 10:04 . .
Magnifique tes photos!!!! Cest sublime la qualitee de tes photos…^^
Peroxide Blonde le novembre 8, 2010 a 10:09 . .
Ahhhh les Patisseries they look delicious
Cristal le novembre 8, 2010 a 10:53 . .
I was in Madrid last as well, celebrating my birthday! Superb pictures. Alix, you are truly my inspiration. You inspired me to start my own blog. It was you, and only you that gives me the inspiration to blog. Thank you for what you do! I’m indebted to you!!! Merci Boucoup! Bisous – Cristal
Flavia le novembre 8, 2010 a 1:13 . .
I ventured to enter one of these pictures on your an article on my blog: Here http://flavialtomonte.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/non-sono-impasse/. I hope you do not mind.
I follow you always
Keep it up:)
By Flavia.
loca por tu ropa le novembre 8, 2010 a 1:33 . .
I hope you liked my city!! ;)
CRUPS style le novembre 8, 2010 a 1:59 . .
Madrid entres copines fashion, what else ? :)
Copious Couture le novembre 8, 2010 a 2:01 . .
Stunning pictures!
faraway le novembre 8, 2010 a 2:06 . .
Encore de jolies photos de Madrid !
Malababa j’adore leurs sacs, trio beaux, leurs accessoirs, trop beaux aussi !
Elena Vasilieva le novembre 8, 2010 a 2:12 . .
amazing pictures
Jane le novembre 8, 2010 a 3:17 . .
great colours, the table & telephone & the letters are cool!
Alexou le novembre 8, 2010 a 3:18 . .
Still love your gorgeous photos :)
Jane le novembre 8, 2010 a 3:18 . .
great photos! love the table & telephone and the letters… :)
<3, Jane
Tori le novembre 8, 2010 a 3:35 . .
Really love your photo diary~ so gorgeous & inspirational! ♥
Angeles le novembre 8, 2010 a 4:43 . .
Great photos! Gorgeous light…Love Madrid… I have to back , to see the family, visit the Museums, some people, the culture ….and my roots.
Kisses and come to visit me.
Isabelle le novembre 8, 2010 a 4:50 . .
Oh so lovely & inspiring.
Andrea Desde el Trópico... le novembre 8, 2010 a 5:02 . .
The first picture is breath taking! Beautiful!
ABRIL Moda. le novembre 8, 2010 a 5:03 . .
Those photos are so gorgeous!
Azede le novembre 8, 2010 a 5:31 . .
Very beautiful blog, i love the whole aesthetic of it all and the whimsicality of the images. Very beautiful and stylish girl.
-Azede Jean-Pierre
Moyra le novembre 8, 2010 a 5:51 . .
all the photos are gorgeous!
Megan Meenan le novembre 8, 2010 a 6:06 . .
I love this outfit. love the lepord print flats. these pictures are amazing. makes me want to visit madrid asap
Marie le novembre 8, 2010 a 6:37 . .
You take these sweet little pictures that make me want to squeeze my computer! :)
Erika le novembre 8, 2010 a 11:04 . .
I will be in Madrid in the summer! These photos are beautiful – I love the oxfords :)
Your blog is simply lovely.
style activist
Julia le novembre 9, 2010 a 4:15 . .
Hi! I live nex door to the Sorolla Museum! you have been next to my house! I hope you enjoyed Madrid!
kerija le novembre 9, 2010 a 4:29 . .
fabulous pics!!!
alex le novembre 9, 2010 a 8:18 . .
I always love the color of your photographs
liv le novembre 9, 2010 a 11:40 . .
Very nice, someday I’ll go to Madrid to see Bosh’s paintings…
elise le novembre 9, 2010 a 2:56 . .
Je suis très très jalouse de ce duffle coat Sandro!!!
Lisa Marie Diary le novembre 10, 2010 a 2:07 . .
J’adore, j’adore, j’adore touttttttttt
Lisa marie
maria le novembre 10, 2010 a 6:33 . .
tu es magnifique! Ces photos sont fantastique!
Annie Markantonatou le novembre 11, 2010 a 12:07 . .
lovely pics!
Taylee le novembre 11, 2010 a 1:17 . .
It’s like a place out of story book.
kathleen 100% Coton le novembre 11, 2010 a 2:45 . .
Chouettes photos de saison !
Si ça t’intéresse, j’ai été invitée à voir les nouvelles collections Printemps/Eté de River Island, Girl front Omsk,… J’ai écris un article avec des photos sur mon blog ;)
THE-LOUDMOUTH le novembre 11, 2010 a 4:21 . .
stunning photos. i want to live there.
Katja le novembre 13, 2010 a 7:53 . .
amazing photos.
beautiful little cakes.
Little Red Book le novembre 14, 2010 a 12:18 . .
Such beautiful photos!
Andrea le novembre 14, 2010 a 3:53 . .
Wonderful pictures! what camera do you use?
Martha le novembre 17, 2010 a 10:03 . .
Really beautiful photos!
Emily Ho le novembre 20, 2010 a 6:25 . .
How do you make your pictures look so beautiful!! and i love your style too! :)
Davina le décembre 2, 2010 a 3:09 . .
were you just in Madrid? I just came back from there! Hope you enjoyed the trip, it’s quite beautiful there, but Paris is still my first love : )