Bonne année 2015 !
Je ne suis pas très douée pour les vœux du nouvel an.
Etant plutôt réservée, j’ai toujours un peu de mal à m’exprimer en société, à prendre des initiatives quand il s’agit de parler, et entre autre … à raconter ma vie privée, à parler de moi.
quelqu’un qui me rencontre pour la première fois pensera que je suis une personne assez froide, alors qu’en réalité ce n’est le résultat que d’une affreuse timidité !
Je voulais en tout cas profiter de ce début d’année pour prendre le dessus sur mon caractère, mettre la personne réservée que je suis dans un coin et vous remercier de me suivre ici sur ce blog!
Certaines me suivent depuis le tout début, ce qui est incroyable étant donné que j’ai commencé en 2007. Ça commence à faire un bout de temps !
Donc un grand merci à vous tous qui prenez la peine de venir me lire !
J’ai toujours pensé qu’un blog était à l’image de son auteur. Il évolue en même temps que sa vie.
Quand je pense au début de mon blog, je me dis que beaucoup de choses ont changées depuis, mais en même temps sont le reflet de mes envies et de mon évolution.
Au niveau du look certes je suis montée plus haut de gamme, mais au final ce n’est pas vraiment cela que je trouve important.
L’important pour moi, c’est ma passion pour la photo qui a grandi, m’a permis d’apprendre beaucoup de choses par moi même et de me perfectionner.
Plus que d’être dans une tendance mode, c’est vraiment la photo et son univers qui m’intéresse !
Pour quelqu’un d’introverti comme moi justement, s’exprimer par la photo est un beau cadeau quand il s’agit de communiquer.
Et je suis sûre que ça l’est aussi pour beaucoup de personnes timides !
Une autre chose s’est amplifiée également ces dernières années: ma passion du voyage.
Avec les horaires flexibles qui sont le grand avantage d’un blog, voyager est quelque chose que j’ai priorisé, et senti comme à faire « maintenant ».
Ce sentiment comme quoi le monde m’appelait à sa rencontre, et que si je ne le faisais pas maintenant, je ne le ferais sans doute jamais.
De blog mode j’ai donc le sentiment que le voyage a pris un peu le dessus, mais comme je le disais un blog est à l’image de son auteur, et je pense qu’il est important de suivre ses envies et son instinct.
Pour cette nouvelle année, je vous souhaite donc beaucoup de joie, de beaux projets, de concrétiser vos rêves et d’être à l’écoute de vous même!
Pour ma part, cela fait un moment que j’ai l’esprit tourné vers 2015, et que c’est une année qui s’annonce déjà spéciale: je vais être maman!
Le but premier de cette article était de vous souhaiter bonne année et de vous l’annoncer, mais comme vous le voyez en bonne personne timide et réservée, il m’a fallu plusieurs paragraphes avant de me lancer!
Je sens déjà la bébé bouger dans mon ventre, ça fait tout drôle !
La naissance est prévue pour fin Mai – début juin.
Je ne sais pas comment mon blog va évoluer à partir de maintenant, mais à vrai dire je ne me pose pas vraiment la question.
Il me suivra je pense, tout naturellement.
Tout ce que je sais c’est que j’ai envie de continuer à partager des photos avec vous ici, comme je l’ai toujours fait.
Ces prochains mois vont donc être l’occasion pour moi de faire un rattrapage sur mes photos de voyages. Des endroits que j’ai visité mais pas encore raconté: Londres, le Japon, la Californie, le Costa Rica, Shanghai, la Thaïlande, Singapour!
Beaucoup de choses en perspective, jusqu’à l’arrivée du printemps 2015 qui s’annonce fleuri et pleins de gazouillis !
Encore un grand merci de venir lire The Cherry Blossom Girl !
Happy new year !
I’m not very good at greetings and new year wishes.
As a rather reserved person, I always have a little trouble expressing myself in society, and taking actions when it comes to speak publicly. It’s just the same when it envolves my personnal life.
Someone who meet me for the first time would definitely think that I’m quite cold, when in fact my behavior is only the result of an extreme shyness.
In fact I’m not very interested to talk about myself at all, especially on the internet.
But for this new year I wanted to try a little harder, put the shy person I am in a corner and thank you all for reading my blog.
Some of you have been following me from the beginning, and this is just amazing, especially when you know I have started in 2007 !
So a really big thank you for taking the time to come here !
I always thought a blog was the image of its author. It evolves along his life.
When I look back and think of the beginning of my blog, I can only notice that a few things have changed since, but at the same time that those changes perfectly reflect the person I am now.
I wear more designer clothes compared to when I started, but in the end I don’t think that it’s the most important.
What’s important to me is my growing passion for photography, how I learned many things and improved myself.
More than being absolutely on trend, it’s more the photography and the stories around it that I really like.
For an introverted person such as me, expressing myself through photography is an incredible gift when it comes to communicate.
And I’m sure it’s just the same for other shy persons !
Another thing that grew stronger these past few years is my passion for travel.
With a flexible schedule which is the great advantage of running a blog, travelling is something I prioritized and felt like doing « now ».
A feeling like the world was calling me, and that if I wasn’t doing it now, I would probably never do it.
From initially fashion I feel like the blog slowly evoluted into something more travel focused, but as I really do think a blog is a reflection of its author, its desires and its instincts, then I guess it just had to be that way.
So for this new year, I wish you a lot of hapiness, fulfilling projects and to archive your dreams !
When it comes to me, it’s been a while since my mind was already focused on 2015, and as the time goes by it promises to be a very special year already: I’m going to be a mom !
The reason of this article was to wish you a happy new year and to make the announcement, but hey, I’m a shy and reserved person and it took me a few paragraphs before I could say it !
I already feel the baby kicking in my belly. It’s so strange and so special at the same time !
The delivery is expected for the end of May – beginning of June.
I don’t know how my blog will evolve from now on, but truth is I don’t really ask myself that question.
I guess it will just follow me, naturally.
The only thing I’m sure of is that I really want to continue to share my photos with you, just like I always did.
These next few months will be an opportunity for me to catch up on on my travel photos. Places I’ve been to but haven’t talked about yet: London, Japan, California, Costa Rica, Shanghai, Thailand, Singapore !
Many things in perspective, until spring comes !
Again, a really big thank you for reading The Cherry Blossom Girl !
Photos taken from my article « Treasures in the snow«
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, ça doit être un espèce de plaisir voyeuristes, mais j’adore regarder comment c’est chez les autres.
Avoir porte ouverte dans leur maison, leur chambre, leur penderie.
Voir quels objets traînent ça et là, des objets déco farfelus, apercevoir la paire de chaussures de ses rêves dans le placards de sa propriétaire, et tous les produits de beauté entassés dans la salle de bain.
Et le chat sur le rebord de la fenêtre qui fait sa toilette comme si on n’était pas là.
J’ aime bien laisser mes yeux voyager, grimper cette immenses pile de livres et doucement descendre les escaliers.
Et, il faut l’avouer, c’est encore plus plaisant si ce n’est pas impeccablement rangé ! ( comprendre vide comme un magazine art & décoration )
Pas étonnant donc que The Selby ai autant de succès !
Cela faisait un moment que je pensais m’y mettre, et ai finalement franchi le pas suite à l’article de Julia: In my bag ( dans mon sac ).
Pas de tenue aujourd’hui donc, mais un déballage sur table de mon sac. Pour voir ce qui traîne jusqu’au fond des poches … même dans les coins.
Parce que le sac d’une fille, c’est assez mystérieux. Il y a plein de choses à l’intérieur, et c’est comme sa maison !
Music: Camille – Le sac des filles
I’m not sure why, but I love seeing how other people live. It must be the voyeuristic side of me.
I love when a window opens up onto other people’s lives, bedrooms, and wardrobes.
To see what is kicking around, the wacky decorations, the shoes of my dreams in someone else’s closet or a plethora of beauty products someone else’s bathroom… it can be fascinating.
Kind of like watching the cat taking a bath by the windowsill as if no one can see.
I love it when my eyes get to wander, climbing up an enormous pile of books and slowly descending the stairs.
And I must admit, it’s even more pleasant to do so when everything is arranged in perfect order (or otherwise empty, like an arts or home decoration magazine)!
The Selby’s success may not be that surprising after all!
I had been toying with the idea for quite a while, but it was Julia’s “In my Bag” article that finally inspired me to put together today’s post.
So no outfit post today, but instead an insider’s glance at what’s in my bag. A look at what lies deep down inside, even in the most remote of corners.
Because a girl’s bag is pretty mysterious… You never know what you’re going to find: it’s just like a house!
– Sac Chanel
– Ipod et Casque Panasonic ( J’ai besoin d’avoir toute ma musique avec moi, le Iphone ne suffit pas ! )
– Portefeuille Topshop
– Porte monnaie et pulikula ( photomaton ) ramenés du Japon.
– Carnet de note La marelle en papier
– Cartes de visite MOO
– Miroir Anna Sui
– Lunettes Coeur Ebay
– rouge à lèvre Lancôme ( pour les joues ) et beaume à lèvre Neutrogena ( comme soin et comme maquillage sur les lèvres )
– Plan du métro parisien + Tickets
– Trousseau de clefs et gris gris raménés du Japon
– Iphone
– Boîte de chocolats Ladurée
– Bonbon roses raménés du Japon
– Chanel bag
– Ipod and panasonic headphones (I need to have all of my music on me… My Iphone just isn’t enough!)
– Topshop wallet
– Change purse from Japan and pulikula ( photos ) from Japan
– La marelle en papier notebook
– MOO business cards
– Anna Sui Mirror
– Heart shaped sunglasses from Ebay
– Lancôme lipstick (worn as blush) and Neutrogena lip balm (used for both for medical and cosmetic purposes)
– Paris metro map + tickets
– Gris Gris charm keychain from Japan
– Iphone
– Box of chocolates from Ladurée
– Multicoloured Japanese candy
Le plan du métro me rappelle de vous dire que j’ai mis à jour le guide de Paris. Plein de nouvelles adresses triées par quartier. Passez un bon week end !
The metro map of Paris reminds me to tell you that I’ve been updating the Paris Guide. Lots of new adresses sorted by districs. Have a great week end !
Voici enfin le question/réponse ! Comme il est assez long, je l’ai mis uniquement en anglais, mais il est facilement compréhensible tant mon vocabulaire est simpliste.
Here is the Q & A ! Sorry for the poor English, I did it myself as it is a bit long, so a better translation will be for the next article. Hope it is still understandable thought !
If you could realize 3 wishes ( other than peace in the world, end of starvation, family health) what would they be ? Hmm this is a tough question, hard to choose … I would like to be always happy as I am now, I would like to have a magic wand to make appear anything I want Immediately , and a flying hover, just like in back to the future !
Could you tell us some of your defects ? I’m stubborn, never give up until I get what I want, I’m lazy and I spend too much time in the shower. what’s your fiance like? He’s very charming! Half french half japanese. He’s working as an engineer. Will you post a picture of you and your fiancé one day ? Well, I don’t think he wants to appear on the blog … and for me this is a part of my life I prefer to keep private. But one day maybe ! Do you plan to make or buy your wedding dress? I think I will design it, but then will give it to a profesionnal, as I really want it to be perfectly made ! When will you get married ? I finally decided do not get married this summer, but the next one. That almost gives me too much time to prepare the party don’t you think ?
I wish I still could wear that dress !
What is you favorite cafe or restaurant in Paris? I love Le loir dans la Théihère in le Marais. Your favourite fast-food chain ? I would say mac donald’s, even if I’m feeling guilty to say this. I really like the Mac bacon though ! What is your favourite foreign-TV show ? I have no idea … Pimp my car on MTV ? OUTCH that was a bad answer. I love flight of the Conchords. Favourite food ? I’m crazy for salad, and I also really like taboulé ( tabouleh ? ). Favorite sweet ? CHOCOLATE ! Favorite film ? The virgin suicides, I love every Sofia Coppola movies. Favorite horror film ? Valerie and her week of wonders, I’m scared very easily, so it counts as one for me ! Favorite Disney ? Snow white. What is your favourite book ? L’écume des jours by Boris Vian, such a great book, but so sad ! Favourite charity ? Giving money, food and clothes to the church in my street. Do you have a pet ? Oh, and if you don’t, what is you favourite animal ? My mom was scared of animal so all I had when I was a child was a goldfish and a Peruch couple. I’m not so much into dogs or cats … But I would melt for a cute and fluffy chinchilla ! Finish this sentence: ” Oh…my..gosh…Brad Pitt is standing over there! I’m going to _________ ” ask him if I can babysitt his kids ? No seriously, I don’t think I would do anything, but in the case it was Johnny Deep instead, it would be much different believe me … I would get completely wild ! Are you a scruncher or a folder ? Hahaha ! I’m a total folder, even if i’m not an organized person at all !
With my mom and my brother. I’m the one on the bike.
Coffee or tea ? I hate coffee, so tea please ! What’s your favorite music ? I like Folk and electro the most. At the moment my favorite band is fleet foxes, but I also love Air, Cat Stevens, Au revoir Simone, The beach boys, Mozart. Favorite drink ? Banana and abricot juice,white fruity wine and champagne, Perrier. Could you tell 5 random things about yourself ? 1) My room is always very messy. 2) I am VERY shy. 3) I suck at maths. 4) I walk very fast. 5) I’m always lost in a dream. 5 things you love ? 1) Springtime. 2) Having picnic in the middle of nowhere. 3) listening to my vinyls. 4) Sleeping. 5) Pink. 5 things you hate ? 1) My hair wet after shower. 2) Infidelity. 3) Running. 4) Pointy shoes. 5) Egocentric peoples. 5 things you did and think are incredible ? 1) Swimming with turtles in Bali. 2) Driving a plane ( but I was not alone ! ). 3) Eating shark soup in japan ( the person who invited me really wanted me to taste and it was … hard to describe ). 4) Watching a movie in an open cinema on the beach. 5) I still have time for a new experience ! What are your 5 favorite possessions? 1) My engagement ring, I can stay there just looking at the sparkling diamond for hours. 2) My Chloé shoes. 3) My Chanel bag. 4) My Camera. 5) All my dresses ! 5 things you can not live without? 1) A computer. 2) Contact lenses. 3) A fluffy pillow. 4) One kiss a day. 5) Music. 5 things that you are coveting? 1) Another Camera, an even better one !. 2) Stuffs I’ve been missing and absolutely don’t need but feel like I can’t live without such as these Prada shoes , this and this miu miu beauties, these Louis Vuitton and Balenciaga boots. 3) Seeing the cherry blossoms in Japan. 4) Holidays in the sun. 5) watching a good movie tonight ( any recommendation? ) Do you believe in god ? Tough question … sometimes yes, sometimes not, it’s complicated.
Which country would you love to visit ? I would love to visit Peru ! And I could kill just to spend one more week in Bali, my first trip there was so nice ! Have you decided to take time of and travel? ( wait, what am i saying ? of course you are ! your going on your HONEYMOON ! [come to Australia come to Australia ! xD]) I’m going on honeymoon indeed ! With my fiancé we plan to do a world tour … but we’re not sure yet, it won’t be be for 2009 anyway ! We will probably land on many places, so there’s chance for Australia ! What’s your favorite cities ? where are your favorite places to visit in france, favorite shops, cafes, parks ? I think I’ m really lucky to live in the city I love the most, Paris ! But I also really like London, Stockholm and Tokyo as well. My favorite places in france are the Bagatelle gardens, Versailles and Provence in the south of france where my dad is from. My favorite shops in Paris are some vintage store, and all other sorts you can find in my Paris guide. My favorite parks are Le parc Monceau where I spent a lot of time when I was a kid, and le parc des Buttes Chaumont. In Which places could I see you ? Just to see you in real ( at last ! ) OMG this is a bit scary ! I’m quite hesitating to answer this … let’s say anywhere in Paris !
No doubt, I always loved fairy tales !
What type of camera and film (if it is a film camera) do you use? Do you ever edit them on the computer? (such as the vignetting on the bunny-in-teacup photo). I’m using a canon 450 D, withe a Canon EF – Objectif 50 mm f/1.8 II lens. For the pictures such as the bunny in teacup photo, I’m using Poladroid, you can find it here Who’s taking your pictures ? I mostly takes the pictures myself, using a tripod and a remote, but sometime my friends or my fiancé helps me. Where do you find all those places for your photos ? Is it near Paris or anywhere in France or other countries ? In fact I take advantage of my travels to take pictures anywhere I go. So it can be in very different places, along the Seine in Paris where I live, at the country side during the week end, at grand parents or friend houses during the holidays… Where is located the country house where you take so many beautiful pictures ? There’s not only one place as I was previously saying, but to give a better idea, at the countryside around paris, and in Auvergne in the middle of France.I was just wondering how you made you blog. Could you also tell us where you made this blog? It’s quite hard to explain, as I didn’t made the blog by myself. It is hosted by dreamhost, and my platform is wordpress. Will you create some other decoration articles ? I must admit I’m missing them. I think I will probably make some in the next months, as I really would like to change my interior decoration.
Mardi gras ! I had this jacket my dad brought me from his travel to China.
I really wonder what you do in real life? What is your job? You should be only taking beautiful photos, you are so talented with your eyes. In the real life, I’m a fashion designer. but I would take photos my hole time if only I could ! Is your real life as magical as it seems on your blog ? In fact my blog is very close to the reality. Most of the places where I take the photos are places I live in, and the clothes I’m showing are all my own. I must admit I’m really a lucky person ! At what age did you know you wanted to study fashion? I always loved clothes, but decided to really get into it at the age of 14. When did you start drawing (I am always beyond impressed with them!) and sewing? Drawing, since I’m able to hold a pencil, sewing when I started fashion school. In fact I never really enjoyed sewing, I much prefer to make drawings !. I’m thinking, ways to teach myself to draw better and how to learn sewing. Do you have any advice what I could do? I don’t really feel like the good person to answer, but I think the more you’r making drawing, the more your skills get better. For sewing, the best person is your mother or your grandma I think ! What did you studied ? I’ve been to a fashion school for 3 years, learning custom tailoring, and improve my fashion designing and drawing skills. I also worked at Alexander McQueen and Chloé, Which is my favorite brand. Where can I find your creation, can we buy them from other countries than France ? You can find my designs on the site atelierdelamode.com, And it is possible to order anywhere in the world. Is there gonna be a By Alix spring summer collection ? Maybe ;-)
Watching cartoons with my brother and … a rabbit
How do you manage to see the potential of a clothe when you are shopping ? I don’t know. .. if when I see a clothe, I have a sudden urge to wear it, and that it gives me some outfits ideas, it surely makes it a no mistake piece. How do you take care of your beautiful hair, what are your products, any hair colour ? Thanks ! In fact my hair are not naturally straight. I make them to be straighten every year at my favorite hairdresser. They are not curly either, but were needing more dicipline ! So I’m really satisfied of it. On the side I’m using Pantene Pro-V products only, they are the only ones Which works on my hair ! And I’m not doing any colour, dark brown is my natural one. What are you favorite beauty products ? I’m not using so much makeup, 4 products max: a Make Up Forever foundation , a Chanel eyeliner, and a red lipstick I’m using on the cheeks. I’m a fan of Bioderma products, especially the liquid makeup remover, and the anti shine cream gel. In the morning I wash my face with a La Roche-Posay smooth gel. What’s your recipe to stay slim, you look really classy ! Gosh it’s curious to hear that as I don’t considerate myself as the slimmest person. I’m doing nothing in particular, I’m not really into sport, but I definitely should ! Do you know how to play the ukulele ?I’m playing really badly ! Even having two ukulele, I’m only using them for decoration, such a shame I know !
Daddy’s knees are much better than any chair in the world !
Have you found that your original vision for starting this blog and the blog as it exists now have a gap? That is to say, how (if at all) would you say the blog now has (if at all) drifted from or changed from the original vision of the blog? Basically, do you find that these things tend to take on a life of their own after a little while (or especially after becoming popular)? I don’t feel like there is a gap, even if I feel that things evolve. Maybe the most noticeable « changing » things are the picture showing an evolution in quality ( I’m not using a digital camera anymore ! ). But I still have the same habits, and my style remain the same even if it’s not a complete copy from 2 years ago. I don’t considerate myself as popular, but with more and more people visiting, I just want to do something everytime better, which makes the blog in a constant change, in a good way !