La semaine dernière, à l’occasion de l’inauguration de leur nouveau site Boutiques.com, j’ai eu la chance d’être invité par Google à New York.
J’ai passé de super moments avec Louise, et la ville me manque déjà !
Last week, I was invited in NYC by Google for the opening of their new website Boutiques.com.
Louise and I spent some really great moments there, and I already miss the city !
I’m wearing a Sandro coat, Asos jumper, Malababa bag, Topshop shoes and trousers.
And a Queen’s wardrobe dress with vintage boots.
I’m wearing a Canotiers du Marais Boater, Topshop striped jumper and navy coat.
Pretty Ballerinas flats, Whistles beige jumper and Vintage leather shorts.