If there is one thing that I impatiently wait for every year, it’s that moment each spring when the cherry trees blossom!
There’s one right in the middle of the country garden where I spend the odd weekend here and there. And this year, just like the last, I was lucky enough to witness the burgeoning of these magnificent trees once again.
For me, this moment symbolizes the arrival of spring.
In order to properly celebrate the first taste of many beautiful days to come, I wore a white dress and a crown of flowers and perched myself at the very top of the cherry tree as a means to take in the freshly opened delicate petals as closely as I possibly could.
Music: Air – Cherry blossom girl
S’il y a une chose que j’attends avec impatience chaque année, c’est bien que les cerisiers fleurissent !
Il y en a un au milieu du jardin là où je passe souvent quelques week end à la campagne. Cette année, tout comme l’année dernière, j’étais bien au rendez vous pour assister à l’éclosion des fameux bourgeons !
Pour moi , c’est un peu l’évènement qui annonce l’arrivée du printemps.
Et pour justement fêter dignement cet avant goût des beaux jours, c’est vêtue d’une robe blanche et d’une couronne de fleurs dans les cheveux que je suis aller me percher tout en haut du cerisier, histoire d’aller humer et admirer les pétales délicats de plus près.
Robe Zara / Zara dress
Chemisier Zara / zara blouse
Couronne fabriquée moi même / home made flower crown
Chaussures Chloé / Chloé shoes
137 commentaires
caroline le mars 29, 2009 a 10:11 . .
lovely photos!
have you ever been to japan to see the cherry blossoms? i went once in high school, just at spring time when they were in bloom. it was such a beautiful sight. plum blossoms are lovely as well.
Brigadeiro le mars 29, 2009 a 10:13 . .
Oh, how I L O V E Cherry Blossoms! These pictures surely made my heart soar, absolutely stunning, your blog and pictures always brighten my day, Alix!
ambiquitous le mars 29, 2009 a 10:17 . .
My goodness how absolutely breathtaking! Thank you so much for sharing all of your lovely photographs, and granting me so much inspiration!
ambiquitous le mars 29, 2009 a 10:19 . .
My goodness how absolutely breathtaking! Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful photographs, and granting me so much inspiration!
Lainey le mars 29, 2009 a 10:21 . .
your pics are so romantic and lush! I love them!
Eli le mars 29, 2009 a 10:37 . .
this is why youre the cherry blossom girl!
diamondsinchampagne le mars 29, 2009 a 10:51 . .
LOVE LOVE LOVE cherry blossoms. The dress you are wearing is so sweet!
alyse le mars 29, 2009 a 10:53 . .
i love cherry blossoms they are beautiful :)
xx. A
denishabeybeh L le mars 29, 2009 a 11:03 . .
am amazed on how you managed to climb up that tree and still look so poised and pretty and also not ruining your dress. It really is a wonder? You are the best tree climber ever alix!
what’s your secret?
PurrfectKat le mars 29, 2009 a 11:04 . .
Je poste rarement parce que j’ai pas toujours qqch à commenter! mais je suis, du lundi au vendredi impatiente de découvrir tes nouveaux posts à chaque fois. Sans conteste une des mes blogs préféré!!!
theozoologie le mars 29, 2009 a 11:11 . .
The cherry blossoms are blooming here, too! I love going by them.
I’m impressed you can climb trees in your heels! (Makes me want to try..)
gennie le mars 29, 2009 a 11:19 . .
you look like a tree nymph!!
those shoes were made to be photographed with cherry blossoms:D
BettyBottom le mars 29, 2009 a 11:40 . .
So beautiful! I love cherry blossoms so much! Unfortunately they are not very often seen here in Finland… But luckily I can enjoy the adorable photos of yours! Thanks.
Suzanne le mars 29, 2009 a 11:54 . .
amazingly beautiful! The photo’s are enchanting!! You lucky bastard.. having a cherry blossom tree in the garden! you look beautiful!
Soshopping le mars 29, 2009 a 11:55 . .
Merci pour ces jolies photos… C’est tellement joli un cerisier en fleurs! Ça me donne encore plus envie de printemps!
eLLy * ClickClockCulture le mars 29, 2009 a 11:59 . .
TRES JOLIS ALIX !!! How did you manage to climb that tree in your heels?
Pam-modeuse.com le mars 30, 2009 a 12:11 . .
J’ai toujours rêvé d’avoir un cerisier dans mon jardin: celui la est magnifique!!
Vive le printemps!!
Monica le mars 30, 2009 a 12:25 . .
Ces photos sont superbes! une ambiance délicate et romantique qui annonce le printemps
magnifique! bonne semaine
sofea ann le mars 30, 2009 a 12:32 . .
i lov cheeey blossoms too ..am looking for the tree so i wan to plant one in front of my house too :) ur shoes are beautiful …ur pose on the tree wit ur white dreess r juz awesome !!!
L'armadio del delitto le mars 30, 2009 a 12:44 . .
Tu es charmante! C’est la meilleure période de l’année, tellement belle!
absolutely glamourous le mars 30, 2009 a 12:49 . .
Un peu de printemps pour illuminer cette nouvelle semaine, merci Alix! La photo avec les ombres de fleurs sur ta jambe sont magnifiques. Bravo
Eileen le mars 30, 2009 a 1:01 . .
Echo: What is your secret to heel-wearing tree-climbing? Il est absolument parfait !
La méchante le mars 30, 2009 a 1:16 . .
On voit bien que là tu es dans ton élément :)
Olivia (à Paris) le mars 30, 2009 a 1:17 . .
Ces photos sont…comment dire ? Parfaites ? Vraiment. D’une douceur extrême j’aime beaucoup, bravo à toi!
Vanessa le mars 30, 2009 a 1:29 . .
Spring is the most beautiful time! Here, the flowers have started to bloom as well. Althoug, I would love to see a Cherry Blossom tree, but I really don’t think we have any :(
You look beautiful though. Like a fresh spring breeze!
juliet le mars 30, 2009 a 1:38 . .
Paris muct be beautiful now. I wish I were there.
juliet xxx
Anna le mars 30, 2009 a 1:57 . .
So beautiful! I’m jealous. Can you believe I’ve never seen a cherry blossom tree in my life?
netta k le mars 30, 2009 a 1:57 . .
beautiful pictures and clothes. i love the flower thingie in your hair.
netta from iheartdeadbirds.blogspot.com
mademoiselle 17 le mars 30, 2009 a 1:59 . .
Je suis totalement addict aussi ;o) c’est d’ailleurs mon happy sunday evening.
Tes photos sont superbes, comme d’habitude.
boubou le mars 30, 2009 a 2:31 . .
Bonjour ! je voulais savoir si je pouvais utiliser une de tes photos blossomiques pour un de mes prochains mood ;) en esperant que tu répondras Bisous ;))
Pauline le mars 30, 2009 a 2:48 . .
Je suis folle également des cerisiers en fleurs !!
tiny le mars 30, 2009 a 3:01 . .
J’adore cette série! C’est un univers qui te va comme un gant, doux, léger, aérien…
Emma le mars 30, 2009 a 3:09 . .
Perfection at its best.
You like a fairy.
Great photos.
C’est vraiment magnifique. Tu est tres chic, je pense que tu dois faire quelque chose avec le talent que tu as!!!
luphia le mars 30, 2009 a 3:16 . .
wow you are the cherry blossom princess!! :)
VERA le mars 30, 2009 a 3:16 . .
guauuuuu menudas fotos¡¡¡¡¡
VERA le mars 30, 2009 a 3:17 . .
guauuu menudas fotos¡¡¡¡¡¡
TIANA COUTURE 'S ADDICT le mars 30, 2009 a 3:25 . .
Faudras que tu penses à ouvrir un atelier pour tes colliers homemade!je serais la première à être la visiteuse…LOL!^^Je penses que celle-ci c’est ma préférée…sincèrement elle est super jolie!
TIANA COUTURE 'S ADDICT le mars 30, 2009 a 3:26 . .
Non pas collier mais hair lace je veux dire!ralala je suis vraiment tarte des fois!! u_u
Shane le mars 30, 2009 a 3:29 . .
VERY beautiful Alix!!!! I love the cherry blossoms… so glorious!!!!
nisa le mars 30, 2009 a 3:41 . .
cee le mars 30, 2009 a 4:02 . .
Juste féérique !
J’aime particulièrement la photo avec les ombres de fleurs sur ta jambe, on dirait que tu portes d’adorables collants.
Julia le mars 30, 2009 a 4:08 . .
Tes photos sont magnifiques…j’aime aussi ta robe et tes chaussures! Elles s’assortissent parfaitement avec le décor!!!
Agatha le mars 30, 2009 a 4:26 . .
Amazing! Extremally beautiful and cute!
Mi Passarelli (Brazil) le mars 30, 2009 a 4:39 . .
OMG, I love this post!
And your shoes, ohhhhhhhhhhhh gosh, AMAZING!
In love, love, love!
*Aline Aimée* Brasil le mars 30, 2009 a 5:16 . .
Great pictures!
Liz le mars 30, 2009 a 5:22 . .
It is such a magical time of year! And the cherry blossoms are your namesake.
How do you make such delicate flower garlands? Can you give us a tutorial?
lizzy le mars 30, 2009 a 5:23 . .
oh i want to live in that place! i’m determined to search for cherry blossoms here in my hometown, though i never see them. you are a Spring sprite & so ladylike.
the picture with the string of blossoms reflected on your leg is just enchanting.
thank you for these pieces of beauty, m’dear.
Pocahondas le mars 30, 2009 a 5:32 . .
Ces photos sont tout simplement magnifiques!
iole le mars 30, 2009 a 5:36 . .
you look so great as a fairy…
love the setting too
lau-ra le mars 30, 2009 a 5:39 . .
je fonds devant ces photos ! elles sont tellement belles !
olivia le mars 30, 2009 a 5:43 . .
im in love
claudia le mars 30, 2009 a 5:55 . .
Lloydy le mars 30, 2009 a 5:57 . .
Alors…. Tu me rends triste! Il y avait un cerisier au milieu du jardin de mes grands-parents, qui habitent encore à la campagne anglaise. Et chaque année, le printemps, j’attendais avec impatience que le cerisier fleurisse. Et, comme tu as fait, (ben, tu fais encore..) je me suis perchée tout en haut de l’arbre, (mon frère m’a aidé quand j’étais très jeune) pour jouer entre les pétales. (Toujours j’avais peur, puisque mon grand-père m’avait dit qu’une fée méchante habite dans le feuillage, et qu’elle aurait enlevé les méchantes petites filles si elle les avait vues.) Cependant, il y a 5 années le cerisier (s’)est mort (je sais pas pourquoi) et alors je n’ai aucun pétale à admirer.
Et, quand j’y pense, je ne suis jamais enlevée, alors je n’ai pas pu être si méchante! Toi aussi ?
So.. you’re making me sad! There was a cherry tree in the middle of my grandparents garden, who are still living in the english countryside. And every year, come spring, i waited with impatience for the cherry tree to flower. And, like you have done (well, you do it still…) I perched right at the top, (my brother helped when I was reall little) to play among the petals. (Always I was scared, since my grandfather had told me that there was a wicked fairy who lived in the canopy, and that she would have kidnapped naughty little girls if she had seen them.)* However, 5 years ago the chery tree killed (itself) (I don’t know why) and so now I have no petals to admire. :(
And, when I think about it, I was never taken away, so I couldn’t have been so bad. You too?
I apologise for any grammar. Tis not my native tongue, but i figured I should practise nonetheless!
Rhia le mars 30, 2009 a 5:59 . .
Aren’t those delicate flowers so pretty! They make you feel like you’re in some dreamlike wonderland. We don’t have that much cherry trees here where I live, but when apple trees bloom, it’s little bit similar. I suppose it’s like poor man’s cherry blossoms =) Thank you for sharing. Your photos are always son inspirational and sight for sore eyes!
Miss G* le mars 30, 2009 a 6:23 . .
En général, tes photos sont très belle, mais là, ça a dépassé tout ce que je vois sur ton blog. Ces photos sont de loin mes préférées!!
A cherry loving girl le mars 30, 2009 a 7:09 . .
playground love le mars 30, 2009 a 7:30 . .
your blog is like walking in to a wonderful fairytale, a beautiful dream. i hope you never stop giving me this (and so many other this joy).
i’m only wondering one thing, do you wear the clothes you’re posing in like casul slothes??
jane le mars 30, 2009 a 7:35 . .
waouh tes photos sont magnifiques, ça en devient féérique ce blog ! c’est toujours un immense plaisir, merci
heart-in-a-cage le mars 30, 2009 a 7:42 . .
Very beautiful!
Jenny Cindy le mars 30, 2009 a 7:44 . .
Wow wow wow – these pictures are so beautiful I’m in love <3!
I love cherry blossoms but unfortunately they don’t bloom yet here.
Betsy le mars 30, 2009 a 7:47 . .
I love cherry blossoms. Whenever I visit South Korea or Japan I always make it a habit to take a tour around the parks there to see all of the sprintime blooming. =)
JudyA le mars 30, 2009 a 7:49 . .
This is just too beautiful. It feels me with the most wonderful warm feeling. Absolutely lovely!
cassiopeia le mars 30, 2009 a 8:03 . .
you look so pretty and i love your shoes… amazing photos!
Paulien le mars 30, 2009 a 8:04 . .
Beautiful !! You look like a fairy!
A chicette in Paris le mars 30, 2009 a 8:08 . .
How inspiring! I love the cherry blossoms too – I was walking around Parc Monceau the other day and the blossoms just made me soar a little bit like your pictures!!
Happy cherry blossom days!
thechiconomist.celine le mars 30, 2009 a 8:11 . .
These have got to be some of your most stunning photos. I love every single one! Thank you for them, really brightened up my morning. Cherry blossoms are wonderful, and you’re so lucky to have one nearby. Thanks for making me even more excited for spring!
amanda le mars 30, 2009 a 8:19 . .
wow.. beautiful!
Cily le mars 30, 2009 a 8:24 . .
Huumm ca sent bon le printemps!!!
maharani putri le mars 30, 2009 a 8:34 . .
your shoes was totally breathtaking ;)
Fenny Wong le mars 30, 2009 a 8:44 . .
You made the crown?! It’s so beautiful… :D your photos are dreamy and gorgeous, as usual.
Amanda Nicole le mars 30, 2009 a 8:44 . .
Gorgeous! Here in Vancouver we have a 3 week long festival dedicated to the blossoming and falling pink blossoms. They truly are stunning, and so welcome after a long winter!
Corrie le mars 30, 2009 a 8:45 . .
You live in a wonderland!
flo le mars 30, 2009 a 9:06 . .
ces photos sont tout à fait magnifique!!! :D
louise island le mars 30, 2009 a 9:28 . .
Bonjour, je viens d’écrire un petit post sur ton blog parce que je le consulte tous les jours..et que ça me permet de commencer ma journée de bonne humeur en ayant fait le plein de jolies choses..merci!
Madeleine le mars 30, 2009 a 10:08 . .
these must one of the most beautiful photo sessions I’ve ever seen.
Sara-Lou le mars 30, 2009 a 10:30 . .
ces photos sont merveilleuse !
Red garden le mars 30, 2009 a 10:44 . .
J’adore la manière dont tu a combiné la robe et la chemise… wha
Lamyoush le mars 30, 2009 a 10:45 . .
Absolutely breathtaking… so beautiful and fresh.
Thanks for sharing your pictures with us.
Who is the photographer who took all those pics of you? They’re amazing…
Christelle le mars 30, 2009 a 11:01 . .
Quelle beauté! Magnifique!
Ida le mars 30, 2009 a 11:01 . .
oh wow, Alix, this is almost unreal. seriously, those shots are pretty much what I think of when they speak of paradise.
gala le mars 30, 2009 a 11:22 . .
im totally in love with your 70s wedges…where did you find them?? xx
Baie le mars 30, 2009 a 11:42 . .
Have you seen this? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_gMsdyQT6ACg/Sc92D6vx_YI/AAAAAAAABio/VvblOjJDrCk/s1600-h/pluie.jpg You are even on postsecret page! ;)
Baie le mars 30, 2009 a 11:44 . .
Have you seen this? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_gMsdyQT6ACg/Sc92D6vx_YI/AAAAAAAABio/VvblOjJDrCk/s1600-h/pluie.jpg You are even on Postsecret page! :)
Alicepoint le mars 30, 2009 a 12:12 . .
These pictures look like from the fairy tale! Alix, you are great! :)
Romi le mars 30, 2009 a 12:24 . .
OMG!!! This particular set of photos is absolutley AMAZING!!! I mean, even more beautiful than usual, which is a lot to say…
Love the outfit.
Agathe le mars 30, 2009 a 12:43 . .
Oui le Printemps est au coin de la rue! ^^ J’ai hâte de pouvoir allé me ballader dans les champs avec mon petit chien! Ça me manque!
Tes photos sont toujours aussi belles! J’aodre la robe et la couronne de fleur! Très jolis!
P@trici@ le mars 30, 2009 a 12:53 . .
Pues me encanta el look y sobre todo los zapatos.
BRESHNA&RONA le mars 30, 2009 a 12:55 . .
Gorgeous! You look like an angel, truly
Love Breshna&Rona
madeleine le mars 30, 2009 a 12:56 . .
Tu es très jolie et j’aime sa blog! La semaine prochaine, je vais aller à Paris et les fleures :D
Frankie - Swell Vintage le mars 30, 2009 a 1:56 . .
What an incredible scene! x
amandine le mars 30, 2009 a 2:18 . .
chère alix ,
je trouve tout ça superbe, toi , tes fringues, le lieu, le mise en scène
c’est splendide
je t’adore !
Dinky Dot le mars 30, 2009 a 2:37 . .
Lovely,lovely I adore chrerry blossoms , there is rows of them on my street and it makes me very happy!xxx
yuka le mars 30, 2009 a 2:42 . .
wow. so pretty. youre so lucky you get to see this in person.
daria le mars 30, 2009 a 3:00 . .
awwwwwh *.*
Gabrielle le mars 30, 2009 a 3:09 . .
you remind me of a little garden fairy…wearing pretty heels. oh so lovely. and that flower headband is so ethereal.
cindy le mars 30, 2009 a 4:55 . .
so beautiful…
paulabp le mars 30, 2009 a 5:24 . .
la plus belle chose que j’ai vu!
Eyeliah le mars 30, 2009 a 5:37 . .
You look gorgeous with these trees! I did a post on cherry blossoms today too! They just are starting to bloom in Vancouver, Canada.
Beatriz Kim le mars 30, 2009 a 5:47 . .
You are quite a vision next to that beautiful tree! I am starting to paint and I wonder if you would let me paint you, from the photographs? Unfortunately I am ill right now, but if you will give me permission, I will keep an eye on your photographs and paint one. You can view some of my art on my blog…artbybeatriz.blogspot.com. Please don’t feel any pressure to agree, I will not be offended. Your photographs…your art is beautiful! Have a nice evening!
Alice le mars 30, 2009 a 7:40 . .
C est vraiment les plus belle photos que j ai vue de toute ma vie !! :)
Chessa! le mars 30, 2009 a 9:07 . .
I love the arrival of spring..I know it’s here when the tulips blossom on park avenue. It’s still too cold but soon…and, I simply love Air and that wonderful, melancholy song.
WendyB le mars 30, 2009 a 9:16 . .
You certainly live up to your name! Gorgeous photos.
S.Elisabeth le mars 30, 2009 a 10:04 . .
These are so stunning! I have a cherry blossom tree in my front yard (not quite as big; i can’t sit in it or anything) and it’s just beginning to bud.
Valy le mars 31, 2009 a 1:34 . .
Tes photos sont magnifiques et ta tenue sublime!!!
Louise le mars 31, 2009 a 4:10 . .
Superbes ces photos! si ça te dit de faire aussi un tour sur mon blog! bonne journée!
Lili Petit Papillon le mars 31, 2009 a 4:58 . .
attention de ne pas tomber joli petit oiseau
Anaïs le mars 31, 2009 a 5:10 . .
très belles photos, on dirait du Hamilton !
Qiu le mars 31, 2009 a 5:18 . .
just a perfect day…. tu es absolument magnifique, tes phoots sont magnifques, ton univers est renversant et parfaitemement poétique… j’ai découvert il y a quelques jours et j’en redemande. bravo à toi !
the domestic fringe le mars 31, 2009 a 5:29 . .
Love your dress. These are incredibly beautiful and peaceful pictures.
noora le mars 31, 2009 a 6:38 . .
‘llo! I just want know what you are thinkin about France? I’m doing presentation about France and I think that it’s gonna be perfect if you tell me something nice about that lovely country. My e-mail adress is njjm94@hotmail.com. I hope you reply me. Au revoir ;)
nikky le mars 31, 2009 a 6:44 . .
your pictures are ethereal!
love your blog too!
Miss B le mars 31, 2009 a 7:12 . .
Leanna le mars 31, 2009 a 9:03 . .
You lucky girl– I still can’t get over the beauty of those shoes and adding cherry blossoms makes them even more GORGEOUS.
Cherokee le mars 31, 2009 a 9:15 . .
wow, gorgeous. and i really really love the flower crown!
CharlieBrown le mars 31, 2009 a 9:28 . .
Am amazed.
so very beautiful.
alexandra le mars 31, 2009 a 9:30 . .
stunning! i can’t believe it!! please have a look at my etsy shop when you find a moment. oxox
wide open spaces le mars 31, 2009 a 10:57 . .
these shots are especially beautiful. what a tree!
Justine le mars 31, 2009 a 11:08 . .
WAhou elles sont magnifique tes photo comme toujours =)
J’adore tes chaussures elle sont magnifiaque!!!
Bisous J
Ah oui et tu a ete tagger dans mon blog
Caprice le mars 31, 2009 a 11:24 . .
Elles sont sublimes ces photos !!!!!! =)
anonymous le mars 31, 2009 a 12:43 . .
vous sont sur twitter?
olga le mars 31, 2009 a 12:55 . .
beauty overdose. you’re like a porcelain doll in some of these. love the white dress.
Wanderlusting le mars 31, 2009 a 3:03 . .
How apt! Ever been to Vancouer, Canada? Our city is known for its cherry blossoms – we even have a Cherry Blossom Festival! Sadly this year it’s a little behind, Spring-wise.
Wonderful post as always.
Tahda le mars 31, 2009 a 4:19 . .
absolutely lovely! I am aleady so excited for spring and now even more so!
Lucia le mars 31, 2009 a 5:50 . .
Great photos! Love the all white outfit. But how on earth did you manage to climb that tree in those heels?
ashford le mars 31, 2009 a 6:39 . .
BLOG AWARD! claim it on my page.
love your blog.
anonymos le mars 31, 2009 a 7:43 . .
are you on twitter?
Azu le mars 31, 2009 a 9:25 . .
I really like your pictures, u looks beautiful!!! great!
pegs le mars 31, 2009 a 10:52 . .
WOW WOW WOW … truly amazing!!! all the frames are so wonderful and inspiring!!!
Flanelli le avril 1, 2009 a 6:37 . .
the cherry blossom girl! TRÈS BELLES photos, et ta tenue, je l’adore :).
victoria le avril 1, 2009 a 7:17 . .
Becca le avril 1, 2009 a 5:52 . .
these photos are breathtaking! I love spring and blossoms, I used to wait for the apple blossoms in our orchard to bloom – they are beautiful and smell divine. lovely outfit you are wearing as well, it complements the blossoms so well!
marisa le avril 5, 2009 a 6:20 . .
Over in Japan, I’m enjoying every moment of Sakura too! hello spring!
You, and all your photos are always lovely.
berenice le avril 13, 2009 a 5:35 . .
that pictures are realiy cute!
i love your style girl! :D
cielo le avril 16, 2009 a 11:39 . .
I can never get tire of coming here…. that cherry tree is gorgeous… and so are you!
Taylee le août 27, 2009 a 11:33 . .
The picture of just your feet is wonderful. How fun was that, to play in blossoming tree? love it.
Marta le octobre 25, 2009 a 1:05 . .
You must be someone from a fairytale!!!
I really really love your photos, your style & you’re so sensitive, not rude and always-sexy like other girls who are into fahion. I’m really in love with you and your blog :)
JapaneseFanatic le mars 4, 2010 a 7:53 . .
No wonder why they call you the cherry blossom girl! But, Your photos really inspire me- as if it were some fairy tale. I wish we could grow some trees where I live… Or maybe I’ll just visit Japan in the Spring, during the Cherry Blossom festivals.