I’ll be spending my next week end in Stockholm, more precisely from the 1st to the 4th of may.
As this is my first visit there, I would be really happy to get some good adresses for stores, sights, museums, bars and restaurants from peoples who are familiar with the town.
Any advice is very welcome !
And I’m too shy to ask directly, but if some Swedish bloggers wish to meet around a cup of coffee, I would be delighted !
Music: Lykke Li – Little bit
Je pars Ce week end pour Stockholm, plus précisément du 1 au 4 Mai.
N’y étant jamais allée, je serais avide des bonnes adresses de ceux et celles qui connaissent déjà la ville. Musées, boutiques, restaurants, quartiers… tout conseil est le bienvenu !
Thanks everyone for you tips! This is so usefull !
I think I’m all set for my week end, and the only thing I can wish now is to have a sunny weather !
I’m sorry if I can’t answer all the coments right now, I have to finish packing !
60 commentaires
cicci le avril 29, 2008 a 2:51 . .
J´adore Stockholm mais je suis de Göteborg et je connais pas très bien la capitale. Dans des blogs suédois tu peux trouver des adresses ( mais c´est tout en suédois…). If I where living in Stockholm i would be DELIGHTED to take coffee with you ! Si tu viens a Göteborg tu sera invité chez moi !(je mélange les deux langues excuse….)
Quleques « must » a Stockholm: Musée: Moderna museet ( musée d´art moderne)
Quartiers: Södermalm, Gamla stan ( ancien quartier )
Parques: DjurgÃ¥rden , grande parque avec un café adorable tot a fait a ton style » Rosendals trädgÃ¥rdar » (il faut y aller).
Je vais essayer de contacter quelques blogeuses pour toi ! / :)
Sasha la pin-up le avril 29, 2008 a 2:53 . .
Alors moi 0 conseil à donner parce que je n’y ai jamais mis les pieds mais je peux te mail le contact d’une de mes amies qui connait très bien puisque ses parents y vivent…
Princesse Audrey le avril 29, 2008 a 2:57 . .
Je n’y connais rien… Mais je t’envie ! Bon séjour ! Profite bien !
donnasandra le avril 29, 2008 a 3:13 . .
There are always demonstrations May 1 here in Sweden. We actually get the day off just to be able to demonstrate. Just so you know that there will be alot of people in the streets :-P My favourite part here in Stockholm is Old Town but there all the tourists go, and Riddarholmen in Old Town. I am a history nerd so I love all the historical sites. Museums such as Livrustkammaren (in the cellar of the castle) is great. There you can look on clothing from our old kings and queens from the 16th century until today. The restaurant/bar called Gondolen is expensive but nice with a vew over a little part of the town. It is located near « Slussen ». Maybe I see you around if I get back to the city. Tomorrow we celebrate spring so I’m going out of town. Have a nice trip!
Cily le avril 29, 2008 a 3:18 . .
Hey!! (ca, ca veut dire bonjour!) et c’est tout ce que je sais dire en suédois!
Pas de soucis, pour le titre.. les grands esprits se rencontrent!!!!
Profites bien de ce long week end. Quand j’y suis allée, il pleuvait et faisait très froid donc la visite de la ville a été très courte!
Je suis surtout allée dans la vieilles villes et sur les petites iles a coté. c’est superbe tu verras!
emilie le avril 29, 2008 a 3:30 . .
Hi, my name is Emilie and I live in Stockholm. Here are my tips.
– Moderna Museet (Museum of Modern Art): http://www.modernamuseet.se/
– Nationalmuseum (the biggest art museeum in Sweden): http://nationalmuseum.se/
– Bonniers Konsthall (big gallery, pretty good!): http://www.bonnierskonsthall.se/en
For shopping and bars the sofo area is pretty good (http://www.sofo.se/englishinfo.aspx), you’ll find Beyond Retro and other fantastic vintage shops, Tjallamalla (a small shop selling mostly Swedish designers), lots of nice cafés & smaller bars and a couple of parks where people gather when it’s sunny outside (you can find the best ice cream in Stockholm just by Nytorgsparken).
A shop that you definetly can’t miss is Old Touch. I think you’d love it. It’s on Upplandsgatan 43 (which is near Odenplan).
If there’s anything else you want to know, please feel free to email me. I’m pretty good at showing people around Stockholm.
Juliette le avril 29, 2008 a 3:38 . .
Hello et tout d’abord félicitations pour ton blog qui met un peu de magie dans ma vie tous les matins, même si je ne suis pas du tout connaisseuse en monde, je suis séduite par l’univers que tu as créé…
Alors Stockholm j’y suis allée, mais je n’ai pas spécialement été dans les boutiques. Les restos tt ce que j’ai à dire c’est : attention ils ferment super tôt même en été, on était très surpris. Sinon je te conseille vivement s’il fait beau de prendre le bateau pour une des îles de l’archipel, c’est un voyage enchanteur (attention se munir de chaussures solides et confortable), une beauté intacte, des petites maisons de bois colorées avec pontons qui m’ont rappelé ma phase Dawson’s Creek :-) C’est mon plus beau souvenir. L’hôtel de ville vaut également la peine, avec son jardin au bord de l’eau… Enfin de toute façon la ville entière est adorable!
Bon voyage enjoy!
Juliette le avril 29, 2008 a 3:41 . .
Petit ajout: si tu aimes Nils Holgersson, tu vas être comblée. Salue le pour moi et scrute les billets de 20 couronnes…
Miline le avril 29, 2008 a 3:52 . .
C’est cool tu vas au pays de Cardigans, j’envie tous les gens qui vont en Suède ! Ton dessin est choupinet comme tout. Passe donc un bon weekend plein de miettes de Krisprolls ! Et merci pour … ;)
kiki le avril 29, 2008 a 3:57 . .
mm Gamla Stan et Södermalm oui…
Tu peux jeter un coup d’oeil ici : http://stockholmtown.blogg.se/ (il y a une section shopping avec des adresses pas mal) si ce n’est pas déjà fait… Amuse toi bien, Stockholm est une ville très chouette, j’en garde un très bon souvenir :)
Eugénie le avril 29, 2008 a 4:04 . .
Aaah Stockholm ! J’y ai passé quelques jours en avril 2007. J’ai adoré cette ville… Stockholm est très très fashion. Je te conseille surtout le quartier sud de la ville (Sodermalm) qui est plein de petites boutiques de créateurs et de friperies. Gamla Stan, la vieille ville est très mignonne aussi. Tandis que le nord est bien plus moderne et moins chaleureux, Nordmalm et Ostermalm, mais c’est là qu’est le défilé de mode permanent de la jeunesse suédoise ! Quand aux parcs je te conseille comme Cicci le DjurgÃ¥rden, et les petits parcs mignons de Sodermalm (qui est vraiment le quartier que tu dois voir).
Amuse toi bien !!
La Petite le avril 29, 2008 a 4:22 . .
Quelle chance!
Bon Voyage
Lana le avril 29, 2008 a 4:32 . .
Nice! Have fun, and I hope you will meet some Swedish bloggers, perhaps the Moderniteter girls or Lisa from LisaPlace!
Marmotte le avril 29, 2008 a 4:52 . .
La patrie d’Ikéa et H&m!Quelle chance!Amuse toi bien!
yaya le avril 29, 2008 a 5:15 . .
aaaa super, moi j’ y vais cet été, ma soeur va habiter là bas. J’espère que tu nous feras un ptit compte rendu des meilleurs endroits que tu as préféré :)
la méchante le avril 29, 2008 a 5:29 . .
Je ne sais pas où tu dors, mais il y a une auberge de jeunesse qui n’est autre qu’un vieux bâteau amarré au port. Tu dors dans des petites cabines, tu te douches face à un hublot avec vue sur la ville. Extra. C’est Youth hostel af Chapman & Skeppsholmen.
Sinon, le musée du design (juste à côté de l’AJ) est top. Et pour les boutiques, ben là j’avoue, j’avais pas fait, on était 7 j’avais pas envie de saouler tout le monde.
Mais tu vas adorer, c’est une ville hyper agréable, colorée, et surtout, tout le monde parle anglais, le top !
Elle le avril 29, 2008 a 5:41 . .
Oh! that’s so fun:) It’s a lot of great stores in ´’söder’
I live in stockholm:)
Kajsa le avril 29, 2008 a 5:57 . .
Welcome to Sweden! I haven’t been in Stockholm for ages (I live close to Göteborg on the west coast) so I can’t help you but I want to wish you a good time in Sweden.
Julia le avril 29, 2008 a 6:07 . .
Ooh t’as bien raison, cette ville est extraordinaire! Je pense que tu as déjà plein de bons conseils pour les visites de la vieille ville et les boutiques vintages et créateurs à sofo, me reste donc juste à rajouter deux cafés/snacks/bars adorables à toute heure de la journée à södermalm: le café string sur nytorgsgatan et le svartkaffee södermannagatan. Bon voyage!!!
Sophie le avril 29, 2008 a 6:16 . .
Hi, how come you’re visiting Stockholm?
anyway, you’ve chosen a good time to come, cause the weather is wonderful at the moment, the sun shines and it’s about 18 degrees. I hope it stays that way, for both of our sakes :P
My favourite spot in stockholm is a restaurant, it’s called Hérmans an its a vegiterian restaurant. it’s located at Söder, near Slussen. the adress is Fjällgatan 23. i realise that just an addres dosen’t say you anythin but maybe you can ask someone for the way. however, I really thin you should pay it a visit cause the food is delicious (the have the ymmiest chokolat cake!) and, this is why I love it, thay have the most AMAZING view over Stockholm! it’s breath taking :D
Then I think you should go to Skansen, it’s a kind of a zoo, but with great deal of swedish history. it’s a cosy place, and you can just stroll around there for hours. But if you gonna eat a hot dog, be awared of the saegulls cause the may attack :/
This is my favourite places in stockholm an I hope you find them as great as i do.
Bon voyage!
Julia le avril 29, 2008 a 6:20 . .
… je viens de me rappeler un nom de boutique avec une jolie sélection de marques scandinaves et autres et des vendeuses super sympa qui nous avaient donné plein de bons plans pour sortir: King Lily au début de la södermannagatan.
Desideria le avril 29, 2008 a 6:23 . .
Åh, you´re going to Stockholm. Hope you enjoy the city. There are some secondhandshops that you might like, but they quite expensive.
And I hope it´s ok for you that I made a link from my site to your. You always give me so much inspiration.
Mihae le avril 29, 2008 a 6:36 . .
You have to visit Beyond Retro in Ã…sögatan! And if you want to I’ll gladly have a coffee with you, I have no plans this weekend. I know a little french, haha.
morganeonpluto le avril 29, 2008 a 6:41 . .
Moi aussi je compte partir dans quelques semaines/mois à Stokholm. J’attends avec impatience tes commentaires sur ton voyage et surtout un max d’adresses de sortie et secondhandshop! Merci d’avance Mademoiselle. Je reste sur le qui-vive ! Bon voyage à toi !
alex le avril 29, 2008 a 6:49 . .
bonjour ,
je suis passioné de mode depuis longtemps et je suis avec interet l’évolution de votre blog que je trouve des plus interressant une chose me chagrine pourtant vous parlez a merveille des tendances du moment mais vous n »Ã©voquer jamais ou presque les ancienne tendance, de la haute couture ancienne du monde du vintage ect… je vous conseille de parler avec Corinne Than Trong qui est une spécialiste dans ce domaine avotre retour son numero de telephone est sur son site internet http://www.renaissance75007.com et si vous voulez ravir vos yeux passer voir sa boutique cela vous permettra de discuter avec elle autour d une bonne tasse de thé et d’évoquer tous les themes qui vous tiennes a coeur
je voulais aussi vous remercier pour le blog extraordiaire que vous nous offrez et je vous souhaites une tres bonnes continuations
bien a vous et bon voyage surtout
sandra le avril 29, 2008 a 6:59 . .
i’d love to have a coffee with you.
mail me your cellphone number to my mail trampdynor@hotmail.com
Kaa le avril 29, 2008 a 7:16 . .
Salut! tu vas adoree Stockholm, 3 jours est un peu court pour en profite de la ville,le sais par experience prope ;) mais tu peux prend en avant gout:
Mange ou prend un verre
Restaurangen: Oxtorgsgaten 14 .rev. +46 8220952 Nouvelle cucine, on choissi les plats selon les epices…
Josefine: A côte de le Musee Vasa . Pour prend un cafe ou un verre dans la terrase, vue magnifique sur la ville. Djurgården
Bakfickan: Jakobs Torg 12 derrier L’Opera. Pour mange suedois sans complexe. Kungsträdgarden
Lilla Baren au Riche: Birger Jarlsgatan 4. pour prend en verre avec des gens branche
Östermalms Saluttorg: Marche pour decruvrir les delicatesse suedoise, mange un peux ou voir un verre. Östermalms
Nitty Gritty : Krukmakargatan 24-26 Best in town! .Södermalm
Pure: Mari Torget pour den marques suedoise et danoise. Södermalm
Wardrobe: Hökensgata 7 . petit boutique avec dens marques danoise et suedoise. Södermalm
A Södermalm dans la rue Götgatan il y un peux de tous.
« Life is too short not to wear beautiful things » belle boutique Riddarngatan 10 Östermalms
A Östermalms dans les rue Nybrogatan et Sibyllegatan y lia aussi un peu des tous
Pour les musee, le commentaires des autres sont tres correct.
Amusee toit, J’espere que tu faira un petit tur a Oslo une autre fois
God tur !
pomdapie le avril 29, 2008 a 7:21 . .
Premier petit conseil: se rendre à l’Office de Tourisme où tu pourras trouver toutes les infos de dernières minutes et acheter un pass musées-transports pour le nombre de jours que tu voudras
Sinon: + 1 pour l’auberge de jeunesse bateau qui dispose également de chambres doubles. On y a dormi une nuit l’été dernier et on a vraiment beaucoup aimé. Il faut dire que le reste du temps on dormait dans la voiture ou en camping (faire le Danemark, la Suède et la Norvège en 2jours c’est un peu court.
Pour ce qui est des restau c’est vrai qu’il arrête de servir très tôt.
Côté musées, pour moi il ne faut pas manquer:
– le musée d’art moderne devant il y avait notamment une très belle installation de Niki de Saint Phalle
– le Musée Vasa: il a été construit spécialement pour abrité un ancien navire qui a été repêché et restauré avec juste à côté le musée Nordique où il y a des anciens appartements reconstitués
-Enfin je te conseillerais Skansen, c’est un musée à ciel ouvert, un peu comme un éco-musée où il y a aussi un zoo qui regroupe des espèces du grand nord (ours, rennes)
Il y a aussi deux tours où tu peux avoir une vue sur toute ville si tu as l’occasion d’en faire une.
Sinon tu peux faire le tour de la ville en bateau aussi, c’est agréable si il fait beau et ça te permet de voir tous les monuments d’un autre point de vue et de faire de jolie photo.
Voili pour ce qui shopping je ne peux pas te dire grand chose ce n’était pas au programme de nos vacances, on avait seulement 10 jours le Danemark, la Suède et la Norvège.
Bon séjour en tout cas!!!!
elin le avril 29, 2008 a 7:42 . .
oh, i love stockholm! i’m going there on monday. you must visit Södermalm, lovely stores like monki, weekday, beyond retro and lots of second hand-shops :)
pomdapie le avril 29, 2008 a 7:54 . .
Désolée, c’est plein de fautes. Et ce n’est pas 2 jours mais 10 jours.
Susanne le avril 29, 2008 a 8:05 . .
not all swedish blogs are just in swedish. jessica of the above blog also i believe lives in stockholm, loves vintage clothes i think she would be the one you’d need to meet. she’d certainly know the shopping. may 1st is like they say demonstrations… also usually a bank holiday so that day you might struggle to find things open. at least it used to be where everything but restaurants is shut.
hope you enjoy your time, from looking at the swedish blogs, it’s supposed to be quite pretty there at the moment.
anna le avril 29, 2008 a 8:32 . .
Oh, sadly the weather won’t be the best, but I hope you’ll enjoy your visit here anyway.
And, as everyone already have told you, you must see « Södermalm », « The old town » and « DjurgÃ¥rden ». If you go by metro, these are the stations:
Slussen – If you should visit Södermalm
Gamla stan – To see the old town
Slussen – Take the boat from here to « DjurgÃ¥rden ». It’s lovely.
Take a look here, will be needed, I think: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bild:Stockholm_metro_map.png
Good luck! (:
miss m le avril 29, 2008 a 9:58 . .
hey! like your blog.
don´t miss Judits second hand. lovely vintage shop, really! at Hornsgatan 75 on Södermalm (T: Zinkensdam) http://www.judits.se
La gamine le avril 29, 2008 a 10:00 . .
Moi non plus je n’y suis jamais allée…mais ca doit être pas mal! :)
Je te souhaite bon voyage et ramène-nous de belles photos comme tu le fais si bien! :)
Sophie le avril 29, 2008 a 10:13 . .
HAHA tu 1 au 4 Mai moi je suis à Londres :D
Bref je ne suis jamais allé là -bas, mais si tu as toi des adresse à me proposer à Londres je prends.
J’adoore toujours autant ton Blog :d
cicci le avril 29, 2008 a 10:35 . .
Chère Alix !
Petite dictionaire: SOFO, SÖDERMALM et SÖDER c´est la même chose ! Juste pour ne pas te confuser….
Et surtout : Visite la boutique vintage « Judits secondhand » Hornsgatan (Södermalm) c´est extraordinaire ( mais un peu cher..) / bisous
shopoholychic le avril 29, 2008 a 10:42 . .
Hope you enjoy your visit in Stockholm! There are many good vintage/thrift stores near by Odenplan and especially around Upplandsgatan. E.g. Zac Secondhand and Old Touch. Södermalm is another really good place for thrift shopping, especially on Hornsgatan and Bondegatan. There you will find Judit’s (Hornsgatan) and Lisa Larsson Secondhand (Bondegatan). It could be nice to know that vintage is spelled secondhand in swedish. A good site for looking at maps over Stockholm is http://www.hitta.se. Just write in the adress in the field, e.g. Upplandsgatan, Stockholm, and the map show you were to go. Bisous!
shopoholychic le avril 29, 2008 a 10:45 . .
Oh, and of course you’ll have to visit Beyond Retro, which you will find in the SOUK mall on Drottninggatan and another entry on Mäster Samuelsgatan.
madalena le avril 29, 2008 a 11:08 . .
bon séjour reviens nous vite avec toutes les jolies choses que tu aura ramener de la bas !
bisou bisous!
Margot le avril 29, 2008 a 11:37 . .
Quelle chance… dire que je n’arrive même pas à bloquer un long week end pour monter sur Paris moi…
Reviens nous vite lles bras chargés de superbes images!
Hanna P le avril 29, 2008 a 12:17 . .
I’m also going to stockholm from 1-4! I’ll be spending my time om södermalm on Bondegatan (important street to remember). There you can find alot of great second hand stores and cafés, such as tjallamalla, lisa larsson and string café.
(on södermalm they also have a café called the chocolate factory).
just e-mail or leave a comment if you have any questions.
Cecilia le avril 29, 2008 a 12:41 . .
Salut ! Mon blogueur préféré vient à stockholm ? Comment amusant ! Il y a beaucoup de voir ici dans Stockholm et nous avons obtenu quelques bons magasins que vous devez visiter. Par exemple Beyond Retro › sur Södermalm, un grand magasin d’occasion.
Un coffeeshop vous devez passer vous êtes la Café String. Ceci est aussi sur Södermalm, le 38 Nytorgsgatan.
J’espère que j’obtiens pour vous voir Södermalm quelque part proche, et j’espère que vous obtenez un bon séjour ici dans Suède !
baisers, Cecilia
mellybx le avril 29, 2008 a 1:24 . .
Sympa la
mellybx le avril 29, 2008 a 1:26 . .
…suède comme petit voyage!! (comment ça j’ai appuyé par inadvertance sur entrée alors que je n’avais pas fini mon message?!) Je connais pas du tout mais ça doit êtrte bien dépaysant. En tout cas bon voyage et merci de m’avoir fait découvrir « architecture in helsinki », que j’écoute en boucle depuis!
fanny le avril 29, 2008 a 1:30 . .
i live in sthlm, and i was thinking about what places you should visit.. it is hard, but if you want to go to a good museum you should go to « moderna museet » which is situated at skeppsholmen. if its good weather it is fabulous to sit down at the « harbour » in Gamla Stan with an ice-cream or coffee.. hm, shopping is hard i think since i like to go to a mix of shops like H&M and second hand.. the second hand stores in Södermalm are quite expensive since they are in the « trendy » second-hand district..
i don’t know what kind of advice you wan’t. it would just be fun to help! so you’re more than welcome to ask if you wan’t to! :)
victoria le avril 29, 2008 a 2:35 . .
as many people todl you « SoFo » (south of Folkungagatan), is the coolest place, it’s on Södermalm » teh southern parts of Stockholm. that’s where facehunter often spend his time..alot of nice cafés. « artsy » people, good secondhand-shops (lisa larsson, beyond retro)..tjallamalla ( swedish design, really nice) and you should go to string cafe..the best street is called Bondegatan..but also Ã…sögatan & skÃ¥negatan..those are just beside Bondegatan…have a nice week-end!
oroshjärta le avril 29, 2008 a 2:49 . .
Oui, tu dois visiter Södermalm! Mon boutique favorie là , c’est « 10-Gruppen/Ten Swedish Designers » à Götgatan 25 (= la rue). Il y a beacoup des choses très jolis, par example des sacs extraordinaires!
hanna le avril 29, 2008 a 5:43 . .
Aw, welcome to stockholm! I am going to Paris next week :) Kaa has given you some good tips here i think. these are a few of my favorite spots:
In the area Vastastan:
Close to St Erklsplan metro station:
– Black Market, St Eriksgatan 79 (trendy super stylish clothing, bags etcetera)
– Little Shop of Fashion St Eriksgatan 68 (vintage)
Close to Odenplan metro station:
The whole part of Upplandsgatan between Odengatan and tegnérgatan is mostly vintage stores (furniture) and a couple of amazing vintage sclothing store’s amog these some with a very romantic style. Super cute.
In the area (island) Kungsholmen (take the blue bus # 3 to get there):
Jump off the bus at Kungsholmstorg and walk up Hantverkargatan for some cool vintage stores both clothes and deco. They’re not that many though. :)
In the area Norrmalm/City:
PUB department store, floor # 3 is cool with shops like Le Shop (the other floors suck though :) on the corner of Drottninggatan/Kungsgatan
On the same corner is Weekdays, 3 floors of trendy clothing (cheap monday and weekdays brand but also swedish deisgners like acne, rodebjer, whyred etcetera) + 1 floor of vintage.
In the area (island) Södermalm:
As everyone else already told you, the area called « Sofo » is kinda cool with lots of small shops; vintage, fashion, design… best streets in this little area are:
(all these start at götgatan, exept Södermmannagatan which crosses most of these). nearest mrtre stations are Medbrogarplatsen and Skanstull :
-Bondegatan (some cute/romantic vintage shops)
– Ã…sögatan (small shops, vintage and deisgn mostly)
– SkÃ¥negatan (small shops and many bars, this street leads to Nytorget, where people go to have an ciecream and where you can walk up some stairs to the beautiful park Vita Bergen (the white mountains)
– Södermannagatan (lots of small and quirky shops)
more södermalm:
– the northern part of götgatan, close to the Slussen metro station, is kind of trendy, but more street style.
Hornstull (take the tube to the hornstull metro station) s a part of södermalm that is probably the trendiest at the moment. itäs a small area that was really shabby until recently. here you will find some really cute vintage stores. look around i the streets towards the water.
Between Hornstull and Slussen are also metreo stations Mariatorget (a nice park and also lots of vintage shops, ask around people are very friendly!) Go to Mariatorget by tube an folow the signs to wollmar yxkullsgatan. wen you come up to the street turn right and you’ll be on this little street (wollmar yxyll) here you’ll find ruby vintage (lovely shop) and across the street is super amzazin vintage shop with everything from jwewllery to old fashion dolls adn dresses.
and Zinkensdamm. Between Mariatorget and Zinkensdamm you can walk down Hornsgatan (which is a bit boring at it’s sout end but very nice, although very dirty and loud, in this strip). there are alot of vintage shops all over södermalm.
In the Östermalm area:
– take the tube to the Östermalsmtorg metro station, follow the signs to stureplan. around here are all the fancy store like Chanel and so on.
there are also som enice cafe’s. In the Bigerjarlspassagen (a small indoor street between Birgerjarlsgatan and Norrmalsmtorg) you will find Le shop and Mrs H, two great fashion stores (but small).
– Biblioteksgatan, between Norrmalmstorg and Sturepla is also high fashion mixed with high street fashion.
– On Norrmalsmtorg you will find Acne’s flag ship store
– Avoid Kungsgatan, mostly cheap looking streetstyle (and the rest of the stores are home electronics) :)
– Also avid Drottninggatan between The old town and sergels torg.
– If you wanna check out cheap high street fashion, Drottninggatan between Sergels Torg and Kungsgatan is teh place to go.
-NK is Stockolms most classy (oh, and a bit boring) department store, you’ll find it on hamngatan, where the KungsträdgÃ¥rden (kings garden) begins. And please go to KungsträdgÃ¥rden, it’s full of cherry blossom s now (since we’re alittle behind you with spring) :)
a very nice walk to is to go to Skeppsholmen wre you will also find the museum of modern art, shiwh by the way has an exellent cafeteria overlooking the water and the Östermalm area
more tips:
– you can take one of the small ferrys to an island close to stockholm. the archipelago is amazing and there are islands which you can go to in only 30 minutes. ask the people at the boats there are boats at Slussen, Nybroplan and Strandvägen.
-check out the out door bar at debaser, on gustaf adolfs torg close to slussen. this is THE place to go for indie pop in the summer and spring. also concerts.
– have pancakes in the velvet sofas in the salon above the weird church at Citykonditioret (Adolf fredriks kyrkogata)
– Nada (next door to exellent vintage store beyond retro) on Ã…sögatan is a very laidback, cozy bar with great tapas and friendly athmosphere. mostly soul or indie music.
have a great stay!
ps. For maps to any location go to http://www.hitta.se
soph n terr le avril 29, 2008 a 11:22 . .
i love that sketch! and i want to go to stockholm so badly. so i can see all the cute swedish girls!
Arvida le avril 29, 2008 a 11:41 . .
Oh! Your kidding with me! I would like to meet you.. but maybe I’m to shy to…
Her is a club to go to. It is open this wensday and saturday. It is placed at Hötorget.
This glub is on friday at TrädgÃ¥rden in Midsommarkransen but you have to send an email with your name and IDnumber before tomorrow… but is going to be cheap vine and beer at least!
To find good 2ndhand you should look at Götgatan, Skånegatan, Bondegatan, Åsögatan and all the streets around. There is some good cafés there to!
And about pink hair! I have it! But it does not really looke like that on all of my pics cause I like to retouch my pictures in to strange colors. But you can se it on this picture:
stina le avril 30, 2008 a 2:16 . .
Hope you’ll have a great time in Stockholm. It’s a lovely city with tons of shopping and cosy streets to walk on. And the castle is nice. Everytime I’m in stockholm, I go see the castle. It’s mandatory for me. Cause there are these guards all around, and I love to make fun of them. Stare at them. Take their picture. Flirt a little. They always find me very annoying, but they can’t leave cause they have to stand on their posts and guard the castle. ;) Lame joy for when shopping gets tireding..
Elin le avril 30, 2008 a 3:40 . .
My best tip in Stockholm is Fjärilshuset on Haga.
I like that a lot because I love butterflies and there you can see butterflies larger than the palm of your hand. :)
I think that you will love Stockholm because it really is a beautiful city.
Best wishes / Elin from Sweden
Miline le avril 30, 2008 a 4:08 . .
Dis donc j’ai l’impression que tu as bien fait de demander des conseils ! Je ne sais pas si 4 jours te suffiront. J’aime bien cette entraide qu’on voit sur le net et pas assez dans la vraie vie. C’est beau.
-La minute philosophique vous a été présentée par Miline-
caro le avril 30, 2008 a 6:26 . .
stockholm !
quelle chance…
j y suis allée il y a 2 ans
tu vas adorer
ce que je te conseille c est le quartier de Sodermalm: pleins de petites boutiques geniales, des salons de thés , des parcs, des fripes et des gens bien habillés partout ca complexe !
ce que j avais adoré aussi c est le musée du feminisme suedois je te le recommande
sinon il faut flaner et demander directement aux suedois pour les soirées
bonnes vacances
Vera le avril 30, 2008 a 7:28 . .
Have a nice weekend in scandinavias most beautiful city Stockholm! My tip is to catch a ferry, have som Icecream and enjoy the sea.
BTW – I loooove your blog!
Bon voyage!
Camille. le avril 30, 2008 a 8:21 . .
Hum, je sais pas si tu es inscrite sur le forum The Fashion Spot mais ils ont un sujet spécial pour le shopping par ville c’est là que je vais la plupart du temps avant de partir en voyage, je e fais un copié collé des messags ‘importants’ du sujet sur Stockholm:
I have to say, the three « must-to-do »
NK, if you like more expensive brands like, Cloe,
D&G etc. Even if yo can´t afford it, i recomend you
to go here, is worth a visit! The andress is:
Hamngatan 18-20
Tjallamalla my faouvorit shop, has a lot of
small/independent designers, you can visit their
website, tjallamalla.se (you can aslo find adress there)
when you are at tjallamalla you should stay in this area
and discover it,it has a lot of other great shops,
like Lisa Larsson one of stockholms best
vintage shops.
If you go to PK-huset, I think it´s around strandgatan
you have Acne, inside a small mall.
If you just follow the street you have Whyred aswell.
My tips are as follows;
-Go to Nathalie Schuterman, Birger Jarlsgatan 1; because it’s true they are the only really Really high-end boutique. They have plenty of good menswear. http://www.nathalieschuterman.se/
-Go to NK for the heck of it, but I personally feel that their selection is very weak.
-Skip the area around Drottninggatan/Hötorget/Sergels Torg entierly.
-Go to Norrmalmstorg, which is right down the road from NK, that’s where Acne’s shop is. Acne is worth a visit.
-Take the time to go to Beneath (http://www.aworldbeneath.com/) on Kungsholmen, subway: Fridhemsplan. It’s in a neat area and it’s probably one of the best shops in stockholm. Really cool.
Also, there is a big mall by Fridhemsplan that have some cool stores you may be interested in.
-Then I say; go to Södermalm!
Take the subway to Slussen and go up the Götgatan entrance, you’ll be right in a great shopping area. Götsgatsbacken is full of cool shops and people. Mainly Weekday (which you must visit!) they stock really cool, not too expensive brands. Beware though, on weekends it’s usually PACKED inside.. There’s also a nice galleria on Götsgatsbacken called Brunogallerian, it’s quite small but good.
Then walk to the « Sofo » area, south of Folkungatan, and just stroll through Bondegatan, SkÃ¥negatan and the streets that cross them.
Beyond Retro is on Åsögatan 144 and is Great for second-hand, really recomended. There are tons of great vintage/designer shops in this area.
I would also like to recomend you to take the subway or walk to Mariatorget on Söder, it’s a really cosy area and on Hornsgatan 75 there’s a vintage shop called Judits Second-Hand, which is womans only, and great, BUT they have opened a new shop a couple of blocks before called Judit Man, that’s all menswear. I highly recommend it.
Other vintage shops on Östermalm include:
-Boutique två tre gånger, on Karlavägen 36. subway: Karlaplan
-Petronella, Lützengatan 4. subway: Karlaplan
-Marielle Second-hand, Erik Dahlbergsgatan 23. subway: Karlaplan
PK Huset
tel: +46 8 20 34 55
It all started when the people at Acne ad agency made some jeans with red seams for a few of their friends in the late 90s. Today Acne is hyped by Vogue and found around fashionable bottoms everywhere. They now make clothes for the whole body, and win at least one design prize a year.
Södermannagatan 21
tel: +46 8 643 60 80
A lamp from Norwegian sensation Tord Boontje, a jacket by Swedish favorite Jenny Hellström, a Diesel watch or a plain old winter sled for the kids. Grandpa’s mix is eclectic. Three friends from the suburbs sell both old and new with the same passion.
Brunnsgatan 7
tel: +46 8 20 67 77
Jus was the first. Not only the first to give young local fashion a forum in the late 90s, but the first to show fashion from MFG, Maharishi and Margiela along with art, books and records. Every Saturday, the art nouveau inspired shop hosts a name DJ. And now they’re selling clogs…
Nytorgsgatan 23
tel: +46 8 644 91 55
The fashion shop with street smarts. Young design for men and women who locate their style somewhere between the street and the catwalk. Hong Kong designer Eric So, Sweden’s Linnéa Bach, the überhip US collective Surface2Air, American Baby Phat and Britfashion from Sharon Wauchob. The range changes from month to month.
Nytorgsgatan 36
tel: +46 8 642 20 04
A convenience store for fashionistas in the new design ghetto on eastern Södermalm, with a keen nose for the latest labels both local and global. Nina Odelfalk – Neu-Nina to Stockholm’s best-dressed – breaks hot Swedish fashion by Patrik Söderstam and Lovisa Burfitt, and also carries international giants like Véronique Branquinho.
Krukmakargatan 26
tel: +46 8 24 00 44
Award-winning fashion shop
inspired by neo-mod culture. Hot shoes by Nicholas Deakins,
sought-after Stone Island jackets, Adidas’ Y3 fashion line and much more. Good assortment of lifestyle books and cult films on DVD. And one more thing: This is the best-looking shop in town.
Hamngatan 37
tel: +46 8 411 42 90
A few years ago, sports cat Puma got a facelift and a reputation lift at the same time. Last year, Stockholm’s biggest shopping center got a facelift and a reputation lift of its own. The Puma Concept Store in Gallerian offers 220 shoe models and clothes for street smart buyers.
Åsögatan 124
tel: +46 8 743 03 22
Birger Jarlspassagen
tel: +46 8 667 55 60
A veritable academy of higher sneaker science that is rapidly cornering the Swedish market. Their range runs from limited edition Nike and Puma to Diesel and KX.
Kungsgatan 64–66
tel: +46 8 21 25 15
Swedish street fashion for men and women who are somewhere between the skateboard park and the cocktail lounge. We clothing is popular with media personalities and entertainers. LA celebrity Jason Lee used to be their model; now WE has opened a shop in his hometown.
Svartensgatan 12
tel: +46 8 644 29 70
Four girls – two established names, two brand new – have opened a cutting edge shop on historic Mosebacke Torg. They sell their own labels: Tönt, Fajt, Hervor and A Mass Uniform. Attractive premises decorated by the design collective La liga. Öös is a must for anyone with the least interest in today’s young Swedish esthetic.
If you are going to Stockholm, except for all Swedish brands monobrand shops, you should visit the following even more exciting multibrand shops:
Black Market – http://www.blackmarketsthlm.se
Speak Easy – http://www.speakeasyshop.se
Paul & Friends – http://www.paul-friends.com
Weekday – http://www.weekday.se
JUS – http://www.jus.se
Nitty Gritty – http://www.nittygritty.se
Julian Red – http://www.julianred.com
Le Shop – http://www.leshopstockholm.se
Aplace – shop.aplace.se
Some good second-hand shops:
-Judits on Hornsgatan (there’s also Herr Judit, for men, which is good too)
-Beyond Retro on Åsögatan
-Lisa Larsson on Bondegatan
-Little Shop of Fashion on St. Eriksgatan
-Epok on Odengatan
-Old Touch on Upplandsgatan
J’imagine bien que c’est un peu trop pour quelques jours mais comme ça tu as le choix, bon voyage !
anna le mai 1, 2008 a 3:41 . .
i see that many have reccomended you to go to södermalm! it’s a very nice part of stockholm so i agree on that you should go there! i also reccomend you to go to Sirap (Surbrunnsgatan 31 A in Vasastan) which is a nice place to go if you want to have the greatest brunch of your life! (try to avoid going there on the weekends though-then it’s very crowded!) hope you have a nice trip! (stockholm is so beautiful this time of year!) Bon Voyage!
Paul de Finlande le mai 2, 2008 a 5:25 . .
Il y a un forum francophone au sujet de la Suède :
C’est là qu’il faut chercher… Notamment dans cette partie du forum:
— La région de Stockholm : Tourisme et infos diverses
— Information sur la ville de Stockholm : Qu’y faire? Que voir? Ou aller?
— http://www.photos-suede.com/forum/suede-forum19.php&sid=c5d215272c78628d4e55bc5400fd5261
Sarah le mai 2, 2008 a 9:32 . .
oh, during weekends STREET is open. It’s like this great little market, but the range varies. Sometime, often, they sell alot of clothes and great design. It’s placed by the water in Hornstull. Other great stores are Judits secondhand, if you take the subway to Zinkensdam you can nearly see the store. If you continue a long the road (hornsgatan) you’ll come to la principesa. Or you can take the bus (no. 4 heading to gullmarsplan) to wollmar yxkullsgatan. The shop is just a few meters from there. I love the secondhand called « Myrorna » by St. Eriksplan. It’s a few meters from Little shop of fashion and might be one of the best secondhand stores in stockholm..
Stockholms stadsmission is on the street that crosses bondegatan (skÃ¥negatan). But you can see it from bondegatan, if you stand by Café string. It’s great and the people who work there are so nice (i know, cause I used to work there before). Lisa Larsson on bondegatan is awsome and Beyond reto on Ã¥sögatan aswell..
It might be to late to tell you, but even though – if you’d like some company I would gladly take a cup of coffe with you. Good luck with all the rekommendations :)
Sigrid le mai 3, 2008 a 12:52 . .
I’m a ture « Stockholmska » and in the summer there is basically three things that you HAVE to do when you’re on Stockholm.
1. Eat ice cream – ask for the flavour « polka gris », it is the best! – at the stairs of Dramaten. It is situated on Strandvägen and if you dont find your way just as for « Dramatentrappan ».
2. Take a walk at DjurgÃ¥rden – beautiful! Eat brunch at Hasselbacken next to Skansen, visit Junibacken and Gröna Lund, have dinner at Strandbryggan next to the water and finish with drinks at Josefinas.
3. Have coffee at Sturekatten, a cute little café with old beautiful furniture at Riddargatan. Buy strawberries and go to Nybrokajen and look at all the boats arrivning. If you want to you could catch one and visit the marvelous archipealgo of Stockholm.
Of course there are a lot more things to do! If you plan on doing some shopping you definitely have to visit Saker och ting on Sturegatan 30, the best vintage store in Sthlm! If you want to take a coffee Im up for it! Just email me: sigrid@sigridsgarderob.se
Iam coming to Paris in June and I would love to get som tips! Maybe we could met up!